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June 21st, 2003

    There is a slight bug with the normalized sensitivity analysis
    feature (the -SENSIT switch) of Kintecus. The bug causes Kintecus to
    appear to take forever to calculate normalized sensitivity analysis
    matrix files. This is noticeable if you add the "-show" switch on the
    command line and you will see the time in the Time(s) column repeat
    the same time forever. You will also get a CONC.TXT output file that
    is extremely large and will continue to grow until it fills up the
    The current fix is to increase or decrease the number of normalized
    sensitivity analysis matrix files you are creating using the -SENSIT
    switch. For example, if you experience this error trying to output 10
    normalized sensitivity analysis matrix files using -SENSIT:1:10
    switch, then increase the 10 to 11 or decrease it to 9. This will
    force Kintecus to select different timing meshes that do not cause it
    to hang on the previous time. If you are using the other way to
    compute normalized sensitivity analysis matrix files via
    "-SENSIT:1:TIMES,n1,n2,n3,nn" switch, such as "-SENSIT:1:TIMES,1e-3,
    2e-3, 2.5e-3, 3e-3, 4.9e-3" and suppose Kintecus is hanging on the
    time of 2.5e-3 seconds, then change the 2.5e-3 time to 2.51e-3 seconds
    or change it to 2.49e-3 seconds. Kintecus should be able then to
    "latch on" and continue with the rest of the computation.                        


April 7th, 2003

  • Kintecus V3.1 has been released. New features include:

    a) Running Kintecus V3.1 on Pentium-IV machines will result in an almost DOUBLING in speed. Your run's execution time will be almost cut in half!

    b) Better Equilibrium solution finding for larger systems.

    c) detection and correction of bad Time(s) in one's experimental data for Fitting/Optimizations

    d) Graphical Interface now includes the ability to store your perturbation files (such as temperature programs, concentration profiles, piston compressions, etc), thermodynamic databases, ChemName files, Periodic Tables as worksheets in your Excel Workbooks. This allows for easy transference of entire models between groups/individuals. One can even have a dynamic graph of a perturbation on the same worksheet that holds the perturbation data (see the  Gas_Desorption_off_Tungsten.xls Excel file) or see the GRI-Mech_3.0.xls Excel file for a sample of holding a thermo. database in a worksheet.

    e) Bug fixes. There are a number of bug fixes, one notable bug fix is that running Kintecus in kinetics mode, under constant pressure and having a temperature profile or concentration change of a species of more than 1 point causes Kintecus to hold the pressure constant for the first point, but after the first point, the pressure is not held constant. This is now fixed in V3.1.

January 30th, 2003

  • *ALERT* If you are using the Excel Graphical Interface and you are Fitting Parameters against Data then you should download a corrected Excel worksheet HERE.  The corrected worksheet fixes the bug with experimental data in the last column of the FITDATA worksheet being overwritten with the experimental data from the previous column.  If you are Fitting Data with Kintecus directly (you are NOT using the Excel worksheet) then you should be fine.  Also be sure to have the times in the Time(s) column in the FITDATA worksheet to contain only 3 to 6 decimal places. Having times that are 10 or more decimals places long (such as 1.234567890123) forces Kintecus to skip that data point (and any other data points). It is simply impossible to force the integrator to stop at that exact time! More example "good time points": 1.2345E-31, or 4.54321E+50, BAD times: 0.0043322114758484 or 321.32234522344.


January 27th, 2003

  • When using the Excel graphical interface and you are fitting parameters against a dataset,
    there is a bug in which Excel will overwrite the last column of data with the previous column.
    For example, if your FITDATA worksheet has Time(s) in the first column, E in the second
    column and S in the third column, when you click run, Excel will output the FITDATA
    worksheet as Time(s), E and E, the third column containing data will be
    overwritten with
    directly enter your experimental data into the file "fitdata.txt" there will be no problem. A
    temporary fix is to duplicate the last column of data: i.e. in the FITDATA Excel worksheet,
    the columns:  Time(s),E and S should have four columns of data: Time(s), E,S and S
    . The next release of Kintecus and the Excel Graphical Interface will fix this.
    Also, the Periodic text file containing two columns of data: new mass/isotope element
    name, mass weights should be named Periodic.dat and NOT period.dat as stated in the

    The next version of Kintecus will show a DOUBLING in SPEED using the new COMPAQ 6.6
    FORTRAN compiler for Pentium IV users!


November 10th 2002

August 29th 2002

  • Kintecus V3.0 has been released. The major addition to this major upgrade are high-end equilibrium calculations without the need to purchase high-cost software. The user wishing to do equilibrium calculations only has to specify the species present. There is no need for the user to specify any reactions, or balance any reactions, or even specify which species are reactants or products! Equilibrium calculations, adiabatic (variable temperature) flame, constant pressure, multiple phases, phase stability plots and other types of equilibrium calculations can be performed. Kintecus fitting/optimization settings (fit initial concentrations, initial temperatures, etc, against experimental data) , perturbation affects, system property outputs can all be specified with the new equilibrium features. Kintecus comes with a number of sample equilibrium runs and Excel files. Shown below is an equilibrium phase stability plot of liquid H2SO4 slowly dispersing into various gases as the temperature is increase:

    h2so4_phase.gif (17940 bytes)
  • Some minor additional features have been added to Kintecus such as having the concentrations output in mole fractions and a more strict application to the phases. Also a new perturbation switch has been implemented: the '-SET' switch. This switch allows one to quickly set the concentration, temperature or volume at any time and still have that parameter act as a variable in the model.

May 26th 2002

  • Kintecus V2.80_1 has been released. The only changes were to fix all the Excel spreadsheets so that plotting of Kintecus results by German/Russian/Polish Excel users is correct. Yup, its that comma-dots and dots-comma Excel problem again. Hopefully, all problems associated with those international Excel VBA sheets are now corrected.

April 22nd 2002

  • The problems some international users (Germany, Poland and Russia) were having with the Excel Graphical Interface bombing out due to the representation of numbers with commas has been fixed. Also, the false Kintecus bombings reported by Excel2000 Kintecus Graphical Interface under XP or WIN95 has been corrected. Plus, now users using the Excel Graphical Interface can monitor the progress of their Kintecus runs!

April 17th 2002

  • Some international users (Germany, Poland and Russia) have noticed that their Excel Graphical Interface bombing out. This is caused by the German, Polish, Russian version of Excel using commas instead of points to represent numbers, ie. 3.14 is represented by 3,14. Kintecus parses it as an invalid number. This will be fixed in the upcoming week. Another error is Excel2000 running in WindowsXP or Windows95 reports false Kintecus crashes. This will too be corrected in the upcoming week. For now, just ignore the false error reported by Excel. Also, some users are complaining that they cannot monitor the progress of their Kintecus runs in the Graphical Interface. An addition to the Interface will be added to allow one to monitor their Kintecus runs in the Excel Graphical Interface by next week or so...

March 10th 2002

  • Kintecus for the Windows zip file now comes with an Installer. You can directly load some of the sample graphical interface models from the Windows Start Menu with the new Kintecus installer.

January 19th 2002

  • Kintecus for LINUX has been released. Three versions are available for Pentium I, PentiumII/PentiumIII and Pentium IV. The LINUX versions are 40-80% FASTER than the Windows version so those with LINUX systems might be interested switching over.

December 29th 2001

  • Version 2.71 of Kintecus has been released. Minor changes to executable. The GRI-MECH sample runs have been sped up by 3-4x (300-400% increase in speed!) due primarily to the change in the GRI-MECH's respective Accuracy field. Most sample models for Kintecus have the Accuracy field set to a fairly conservative level (=SLOW). The GRI-MECH sample runs and the OH-combustion runs have their Accuracy changed to a larger value without affecting the final results. In fact, the GRI-MECH runs can be sped up ANOTHER 2x, but with some slight changes in the final temperature & concentrations values. Some users running Kintecus inside a large 3D diffusion/convection grid might want to further increase the Accuracies in the GRI-MECH parm.dat files.

December 2nd 2001

  • Version 2.69 of Kintecus has been released. Small bugs associated with some error reporting routines were corrected. See bugs page for further details.

November 10th 2001

  • New Kintecus_V26_2.zip file released.
  • The Chemkin to Kintecus translator program, CK2KIN.EXE, has a serious bug in it. Depending on the conditions, it will sometimes drop a zero from a number containing an exponent, i.e. 1.5E+30 will become 1.5E+03 or 7E+10 will become 7E+01. The Kintecus GRI-MECH-3.0 model and the ethanol combustion model (previous Chemkin models translated into Kintecus format by CK2KIN.EXE) contain a few wrong rates and TROE factors. Interestingly, re-running the ethanol.bat runs with the NEW CORRECT model shows almost no difference in the ignition delay results, BUT the GRI-MECH-3.0 model (a highly condensed kinetics mechanism) shows concentration profiles off from 10%-40%. Although, the FINAL concentration and temperature values for the GRI-MECH-3.0 runs are only off a few percent, primarily due to most of the reactions have equilibrium constraints. The Kintecus V2.6 program is fine.

    So, what should you do? If you do NOT use the Kintecus GRI-MECH-3.0 or ethanol combustion models or you do NOT use the CK2KIN.EXE translator, you can safely ignore this message. Again, Kintecus V2.6 is fine; there are currently no known bugs in V2.6.

    If you only use the ethanol combustion model, you can probably ignore this message, but it would be wise to download the new Kintecus Zip file (Kintecus_V26_2.ZIP). The new ZIP file contains the updated CK2KIN.EXE program and the correct ethanol combustion model and GRI-MECH models as well as two more additional GRI-MECH-3.0 test runs (grict2.bat and griv29.bat) to further test the CK2KIN.EXE program against published, refereed experimental results. In addition, the documentation has been slightly updated and a tiny .BAT file is missing to complete the Kintecus Excel GRAPHICAL interface.

    If you use the GRI-MECH model or have used the Chemkin to Kintecus translator program CK2KIN.EXE, you should download the new Kintecus ZIP file (Kintecus_V26_2.zip).

November 2001

  • Kintecus Version 2.60 has been released
  • Included in the release is a graphical interface that runs through Excel 97/2000/XP. Click here (Graphical Interface) to see some screen shots!
  • Kintecus 2.60 allows users to run other programs to monitor the execution of Kintecus, Fatal Errors and Warnings and also allows one to alter the output.

August 2001

  • Kintecus Version 2.31 has been released
  • The main new feature in Kintecus V2.3 is the ability to fit/optimize
    rate constants, initial concentrations, Lindemann/Troe/SRI/LT
    parameters, enhanced third body factors, initial temperature,
    residence time, energy of activation and many other parameters
    against your dataset(s). Note that Kintecus will actually fit the
    parameters at EXACTLY the time your data was measured. Unlike other
    programs, Kintecus DOES NOT interpolate a function against your data
    and then fit the values against this interpolation. There is no need
    to “clean” your data, suggest interpolation methods nor specify
    timing meshes against your experimental data since
    Kintecus calculates values at exactly the times you specify in your
    experimental datafile.
  • Some other changes and additions have been
    added such as the ability to view the delta-S,H,G,Kp, kr of the
    reactions, and the H, S, G, Cp, Gas Density and other physical
    properties of system as the simulation runs. See the .pdf file
    for full descriptions.
  • In addition, some users were complaining
    that the Freeform spreadsheet output of Chemkin thermodynamic
    databases didn't included Mw, so this has also been changed.
    A new MAP keyword, CMW, has been added to convert the empirical
    Mw data field into Kintecus Mw. For examples, see the ethanol
    combustion, O2-OH combustion, Ozone decomposition and GRI-MECH
    samples which all include this keyword. Again, please refer to the
    .pdf documentation for a full description of these new features
    in V2.3 and many other additions!
Questions or problems regarding this web site should be directed to jianni10[el atto]gmail.com .
Copyright (c) 2023  James C. Ianni. All rights reserved. Kintecus is a registered trademark.